80th Anniversary of D-Day

On the evening of Thursday 6th June 2024, Bembridge Parish Council will join the nationwide commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day by lighting the beacon on Culver Down.  The Parish Council has arranged an ecumenical Service of Remembrance, led by Archdeacon Steve Daughtery and Revd David Plumb.  The Brading Community Choir will sing a medley of songs before the service starts, and the Ryde Sea, Army and Air Cadets will participate.  Mary Teague will preface the two minute’s silence with the haunting notes of the Last Post and signal the end of the silence with the Reveille.  HM Lord-Lieutenant will light the beacon. 

We very much hope that many people will come to the event to remember those who fought – and died – so valiantly.  Details to be aware of:

Parking is limited near the beacon and you may have to walk from further car parks to the beacon.  Please car share with friends and family if at all possible.  Parking Marshalls will be on hand to guide you to the nearest parking spot.  Please allow time to reach the venue. 

Clothing. It can be cold & windy on Culver Down.  Please dress appropriately and wear sensible shoes.

Sunset is at 9.13 p.m. on 6th June.  Please bring a torch to light your way back to your car.

Timings are as follows:

Be present at the beacon by 8.30 p.m.

8.40 p.m. Brading Community Choir will sing a medley of songs

8.45 p.m. Service starts

9.15 p.m. Beacon lighting

c.9.25 Service ends

Exit. There will be temporary traffic lights at the junction with the main road to ensure that departing cars can exit safely.


In the event of cancellation due to high winds/weather, the service will be held at Holy Trinity Church, Bembridge instead.  We will do our best to communicate this with social media and emails.

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