Carriageway Reconstruction Works in KINGS ROAD, BEMBRIDGE
We are writing to let you know about the carriageway improvement works due to take place in your local area shortly, and to provide you with some information and guidance in relation to what will happen during the works, to enable you to plan accordingly. During this work no on-street parking and no vehicle through access will be permitted within the areas of closure.
We recognise that these improvement works may cause some inconvenience for residents and businesses, but we hope any disruption will be offset by the long-term improvements we are making. We would like to thank you in advance for your assistance in enabling us to complete these works.
Please note, there are a variety of factors including inclement weather and emergency works that may affect the timing of works. Please watch the on-site boards for confirmation/changes of the start date / duration (example shown below).
Timing of the works:
- Reconstruction works due to start W/C 18th March 2024 for approximately 15 working days.
- Reconstruction works will take place during the day between 07:00 – 17:00.
- Advance warning boards with start and end date will be erected approx. two weeks before works commence.
Works Information | Kings Road, Bembridge between Pump Lane and Church Road. (Circled in red on the attached plan). |
Time of works | 07:00 – 17:00 (weekdays only) |
Safety measures during works: | A 24-hour road closure will be required throughout the works for safety reasons. Vehicle access will be prohibited at all times within the area of works. Only when it is safe to do so, resident access will be maintained within the road closure extent outside of the area of works. Should you require your vehicle during the dates of work we would recommend parking in an alternative location. “No Parking” cones will be placed out the night prior to works commencing. No pedestrian or cyclist through route. Emergency vehicle access will be maintained. |
Location Map