Dedicated breastfeeding spaces and support available across the Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight News

16 September 2024, 15:45

Dedicated breastfeeding spaces and support available across the Isle of Wight: Isle of Wight Breastfeeding Friendly Scheme (1)-2

The Isle of Wight Council is continuously working to create spaces that are beneficial to the local community. Since April 2024, within each of the six the Isle of Wight Council libraries, there are specially allocated chairs for mothers to breastfeed their infant. Recently, special feeding cushions have been added for extra comfort.

Having a new baby is a big life event, can be stressful and overwhelming. Whilst women can breastfeed anywhere, feeding when out and about can be daunting at first.  Providing dedicated breastfeeding spaces hopefully encourages families to go out into their community, even if they are breastfeeding, which will also help their mental wellbeing.

The six council run libraries these chairs are in place at are, Cowes, Freshwater, Newport, Ryde, Sandown and Ventnor.

Parents can also take advantage of the many books available at each of those libraries to help answer any breastfeeding questions new parents may have.

Councillor Debbie Andre, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, commented ‘Many families on the Island still feel anxious about breastfeeding in public. By signing up to this scheme and displaying the breastfeeding friendly window stickers, businesses and organisations across the island can show that they welcome and support families. We know that breastfeeding provides a great start in life for babies and providing a friendly environment which encourages families to go out, even if they are breastfeeding, will also promote the wellbeing of the whole family.’’

There is a range of breastfeeding support available across the Isle of Wight from help during pregnancy through to assistance for parents with new-born babies and beyond. Infant Feeding Stay and Play drop-in sessions, breastfeeding workshops and infant feeding advice is available from health visitors, midwives and peer supporters.

Parents are not alone in their breastfeeding journey and help is available at all stages:

  • If your baby is under 10 days – Contact Midwifery Service Community office on 01983 534329 -24hrs
  • If your baby is 10 days to 28 days – Contact either Midwifery Service or Health Visitors.  0300 1235224
  • If your baby is over 28 days – Contact The Health Visitor Duty Desk, who will then triage the call-in hours. 0300 1235224
  • If there are any clinical/medical concerns about Mum or Baby – contact your midwife/GP/NHS 111 or in emergency 999 .

There is plenty of breastfeeding support available across the Isle of Wight. Please visit the Isle of Wight Council’s infant feeding pages for more information

You are not alone!

Contact Information

Marie Woodward
Isle of Wight Council

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