Inspectors appointed for Island Planning Strategy examination

Isle of Wight News
Inspectors appointed for Island Planning Strategy examination

The draft Island Planning Strategy has taken another step forward with the recent appointment of two planning inspectors.

This follows the submission of the draft plan and its supporting evidence base to the government last month.

Inspectors David Spencer and Andrew Steen have been appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out an independent examination of the council’s submission.

The independent Programme Officer (PO) has already met with the inspectors, who will conduct an initial review of the strategy, evidence base, and Regulation 19 representations over the coming weeks.

The PO has also reached out to people who commented on the Island Planning Strategy during the Regulation 19 consultation period and will provide further updates, likely before Christmas, outlining the next steps in the process.

Hearing sessions are tentatively scheduled for late February and early March 2025, pending the inspectors’ initial review.

Councillor Paul Fuller, Cabinet member for planning, coastal protection and flooding, said: “Submitting the draft Island Planning Strategy was a major milestone for the council, and it is fantastic to see that inspectors have now been appointed for the examination process.

“We look forward to hearing from them in due course and working towards the examination hearings as early as possible in 2025.”

The draft strategy includes a wide range of new planning policies that will guide decision making once adopted. The policies include those relating to deeper discounts for affordable housing, net zero housing, new employment land and Dark Skies.

Councillor Ian Stephens, Cabinet member for housing and finance, added: “The draft Island Planning Strategy has some really important policy tools that we look forward to using as they can help us deliver on key corporate priorities, including the delivery of ‘Island affordable’ housing with deeper discounts than we are able to secure at present.

“Whilst we aren’t there yet, seeing the inspectors being appointed is a positive step forward.”

More information about the examination process, the evidence documents that support the draft plan, the comments made on the draft plan and latest news can found at

Contact Information Martin Neville Isle of Wight

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