2:00pm Friday afternoons at the Cloisters, join others in playing this fascinating Chinese board game.

2:00pm Friday afternoons at the Cloisters, join others in playing this fascinating Chinese board game.
There will be plenty of opportunity for family activities at two Island museums during February half-term. Visitors to the Museum of
In a bid to gather more community feedback, extra drop-in sessions have been scheduled as part of the Isle of
Isle of Wight Libraries are set to ignite a passion for reading with the launch of their 2025 Book Bingo
Bembridge Friendship Circle Please join us for our monthly coffee mornings in Bembridge Village Hall 10.00 am – 12.00 midday,
Do you feel like your home is losing heat but you’re not sure why? With funding from the National Lottery’s
Parish Council Office
5 Foreland Road, Bembridge
Isle of Wight, PO35 5XN
TEL: 01983 874160
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 09.30 – 12:30
© 2025 Bembridge Parish Council. Designed & Maintained by PC Consultants