Bembridge Parish Council Precept Information and Comparisons

Please find below a comparison provided by Isle of Wight Council of ‘Council, police, fire, parish, town or community precepts and other levies’.

As you can see from this data, of the 33 parish/town councils, Bembridge remains as the 9th largest parish based on tax base.

However, the total precept request for Bembridge has dropped from the 9th largest on the Island in 2023/24 to the 10th largest in 2024/25, with Lake requesting a larger precept than Bembridge and Totland now requesting a precept only £15,561 smaller than Bembridge.

The ‘Council Tax Band D’ figure, (which is calculated by dividing the precept by the tax base), for Bembridge is now £118.19 per year for 2024/25, which, like the results of 2023/24, remains as the 9th largest and is just below the overall average based on total precept requests and total tax base of £120.88 for 2024/25.

If you’d like to get a better understanding of the precept request for Bembridge the three-year business plan which aims to explain the long term rationale behind the request can be found on this site under ‘Your Council – Policies & Reports’.

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